The production area of Pinot Grigio Musivum is in the municipality of Mezzocorona, a classic cultivation area for this variety (formerly known as 'Rülander'), as evidenced in historical documents. In the Almanacco Agrario of 1883, a technical publication by the Istituto Agrario di San Michele all'Adige, the researcher, Mr. Mader recommended Pinot Grigio as a variety that had improved the viticultural heritage of that time due to its abundant and regular harvests, and he defined it as a very "fine" white wine. The area was first planted with vines in the 1950s.
As a result, the soils have a minimum thickness of topsoil and a rather shallow water table, ranging from 50 to 100 cm, with very fertile soil. Even during drought periods, the vines have enough water, as well as fertile soil, both of which are indispensable characteristics for Pinot Grigio, a rather delicate variety. Additionally, the area allows the grapes to mature early, as it is sheltered by imposing rock walls that provide protection from cold winds in late winter and early spring. These rocks also reflect the sun’s heat, creating a warming effect throughout all the vegetative phases.