
Abadal Arboset

Spain, Catalonia


Abadal Arboset

This almost Burgundian wine from traditional grape varieties from the Pla de Bages region, Barcelona, was made inside an ancient stone vat that lies within the vineyard. Elegant with fine tannins, fresh acidity and great complexity - this is how landscape, history and environment merge. Veal with chanterelles and girolles.

WBSS24 Abadal Arboset 2019

Celebrating Tradition: Abadal Arboset and the Legacy of Pla de Bages Vineyards

Abadal Arboset expresses with purity and sincerity the most identifying elements of Abadal, such as its terroir and the landscape, the search for uniqueness and typicality and the enhancement of the traditional varieties of Pla de Bages, in the province of Barcelona.

The Unique Vineyard: Viña Arboset

It is born in a unique vineyard, Viña Arboset; a vineyard delineated into terraces in approximately 1940 and characterized by its forest landscape and a dry stone vat located in the middle of the vineyard.

Historical Varieties

In this unique vineyard, 10 different historical varieties, white and red, coexist: mainly Mandó, Sumoll and Picapoll, but also Punxó Fort, Cap Pelat, Cua de Moltó, Malvasia de Manresa, Pansera, Fumat and Cap Negre.

Traditional Blending

The project began in 2007, when Abadal started a project in Viña Arboset to identify and recover traditional grape varieties from the Pla de Bages region. Abadal Arboset comes from the blending of these 10 different historical varieties, but with Mandó, Sumoll and Picapoll grapes as the main varieties.

Experimental Stage to Reality

In 2013, he experimented by making the wine inside the dry stone vat, with the aim of studying a wine where landscape, history and environment merge. 2017 was the first vintage in which the project stopped being an experimental wine and became a reality.

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Traditional Winemaking Techniques

Harvest is by hand and the wine ferments inside the dry stone vat located in the middle of the vineyard. A single fermentation is carried out during which a portion of grape stems are incorporated, using the traditional brescat method, gently treading the grapes and letting the must, skins and stems fall into the interior of the vat. Maceration is carried out by manual pigeage. Ageing for 12 months, of which 60% is in clay amphora and 40% is in 500l oak barrels.

Historical Heritage

Viña Arboset is a living symbol of the existence, centuries ago, of viticultural activity in Pla de Bages. The dry stone vats constitute a unique historical heritage, a living testimony of the time of splendor of the vineyards here. No doubt the construction of these vats responded to the winegrowers' need to negate the cost and time of transporting grapes from the vineyard.


This wine has an almost Burgundian touch to it, showing a nice elegance with fine tannins, fresh acidity and great complexity as the wine opens up with air and time. The tannins are fine but present giving the wine an almost refreshing touch, the wine is super clean and clear for a wine with a very traditional production method.


This needs a light meat that can match the purity and elegance of the wine; seared veal with chanterelle and girolle mushrooms. The mushrooms will enhance the earthy forest aromas.


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WBSS24 Abadal Arboset 2019

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