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Lorenzo Lentini

From an early age, Lorenzo's life was steeped in the rich aromas and flavours of his grandmother's kitchen. In the heart of his family's orchards, he discovered the art of crafting delicious meals using homegrown produce.

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Lorenzo's story is a fascinating blend of his deep-rooted connection to nature, a culinary upbringing, and a relentless pursuit of expertise in the world of beverages. From the sun-drenched orchards of his childhood to the bustling streets of London, his journey has been guided by a passion for flavours, an insatiable curiosity, and a commitment to delivering exceptional hospitality. 

Cultivating Palates and Passions 

From his earliest memories, Lorenzo's life was infused with the joys of gastronomy. Growing up alongside his grandmother, he learned the art of creating delectable meals using the freshest produce harvested from his parents' orchards. This formative experience instilled in him an appreciation for the harmony of flavours and the importance of sharing memorable meals with loved ones. 

The Academic Pursuit 

Lorenzo embarked on an academic journey that initially led him to explore the realms of chemical and medical sciences at the University of Florence. Little did he know that his true calling lay elsewhere. Fate took him to England, where he sought opportunities that aligned with his innate hospitality and culinary skills. It was during this time that his fascination with beverages began to take shape. 

While coffee and spirits initially captured his attention, it was the world of wine that left an indelible mark on Lorenzo. Despite hailing from Tuscany, a region renowned for its wines, he had never truly grasped the vastness of the wine universe. With a desire to delve deeper, he made the pivotal decision to relocate to London.

In London, Lorenzo's approach to his craft was shaped by a multitude of experiences and influences. He developed a methodical approach to his work, seeking to understand not only the beverages themselves but also the people and cultures behind them. This holistic perspective would become a hallmark of his career. 

Front of House Maestro 

Today, Lorenzo stands at the helm of Ikoyi's front-of-house team, where his management style is defined by precision and understanding. His passion for discovery continues to shine through in his meticulous wine selection, ensuring that each glass poured at Ikoyi tells a unique and captivating story.

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